Maria Sharapova

Through the cyber ether, I pass along wishes that Fortuna smiles upon my girl Maria Sharapova at the Australian Open this week. I highly endorse this brilliant commercial that firmly sticks it to the beautiful but talentless.

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8 Responses to Maria Sharapova

  1. Anonymous says:

    How do you solve a problem like Maria?How do you catch a cloud and pin it down?How do you find a word that means Maria?A flibbertijibbet! A will-o’-the wisp! A clown!She’d outpester any pestDrive a hornet from its nestShe could throw a whirling dervish out of whirlShe is gentle! She is wild!She’s a riddle! She’s a child!She’s a headache! She’s an angel!She’s a girl!Now, just what in blazes was Maria actually selling again?Cheers, Good Mental Health and Damn the Bishop of Worchester

  2. never too often to hear from my favorite musical!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Maria Sharapova, Stephen Sondheim, and daviditron. A rare hat trick for Nike.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Maria Sharapova, Stephen Sondheim, and daviditron. A rare hat trick for Nike.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Maria Sharapova, Stephen Sondheim, and daviditron. A rare hat trick for Nike.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Oh, and need I say the the googlized blogger is cludgy garbage?

  7. Anonymous says:

    I watched Maria play the Georgian/Russian girl yesterday in the Quarter Finals of the Australian Open.The true mark of a champion is that even when you are having a bad game, when your timing is off and you commit multiple mental errors, that you stay resolute and gut your way through as Maria did.I have never been more impressed by the “mental game” demonstrated by an athlete as I was with her.And this from me, a person who hates all sports (with the exception of Ultimate Fighting, Women’s Professional Wrestling, Shakespearean Wrestling, and now, Maria Sharapov.)Cheers, and Good Mental Health Who will sail with me to Lixos? The Secrets of Hanno await!

  8. Her willpower is a thing to behold. My idolation is wrongly assumed to be of her beauty. The fact that her legs stretch from Florida to Texas is really what economists would call a networked externality.

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